Conducting surveys and gathering data is easy. However, the right insights often get buried in the pile of noise. Visualizing survey data helps you tell a story by transforming the raw feedback into insightful data. By leveraging survey data visualization, you can easily identify trends, patterns, relations, and themes in the collected data.
Investigating survey data with a visualization tool empowers you with the right data to make informed decisions, propelling business growth. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of utilizing survey data visualization tools and how to visualize survey data.
What is Knowledge Panel?
A KnowledgePanel survey is a research method that uses a carefully chosen group of people to collect information on different subjects. Unlike typical surveys, which often pick people randomly, KnowledgePanel surveys use a more focused method. This ensures a diverse and accurate sample that truly represents the group being studied.
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How does a Knowledge Panel survey work?
Panel members are selected randomly to ensure that survey results accurately represent the population, with a high level of accuracy. This level of precision is not achievable with non-probability panels. KnowledgePanel has improved its recruitment process by using Address sampling (ABS) instead of the Random Digit Dialing (RDD) method.
ABS sampling, which is based on probability, helps increase coverage of the population and establishes a robust sampling system for reaching individuals who are typically hard to reach. This includes people from minority groups and young adults. With ABS recruitment, households without internet access are provided with a web-enabled device and free internet.
Once participants accept the invitation to join the panel, they complete a brief demographic survey known as the core profile survey. The information collected in this survey is essential for future panel sampling. Successful completion of the core profile survey allows participants to become active panel members. Additionally, all respondents receive similar privacy and confidentiality protections.
A look inside ABS Recruitment
The recruitment process uses probability-based sampling from addresses listed in the USPS Delivery Sequence File. ABS methodology has a big advantage: it allows sampling of entire delivery points regardless of whether they have a telephone. By using existing data about addresses, it helps plan how to represent different subgroups accurately based on attrition rates.
- Hispanic age range 18-30
- Non-Hispanic age range 18-30
- Hispanic age range 31+
- Non-Hispanic age range 31+
From the randomly sampled addresses, the adults receive an invitation to join the Knowledge Panel every quarter. This happens over a series of contact attempts, comprising of an invitation letter, a postcard for reminding, and a continuous follow-up letter. In order to join the panel, the invited households should:
- Complete and mail back the paper form via a postage-paid envelope
- Call a toll-free number associated with GfK
- Go to a specific GfK website and fill out the recruitment form
Recruiting household members
The members of the entire household are enumerated at the time of the initial recruitment survey. Post enumeration, each household member equal to or above the age of 13 years can be recruited for participating in the Knowledge Panel survey. However, it’s important to take consent from the parents or guardians for the initial recruitment interview of the household members that are 13 -17 years old.
Survey Sampling
Once the panel members are successfully recruited as well as profiled, they are eligible to be selected for client surveys. Based on the study design, stratified random sampling is seamlessly carried out on the profile data.
The basic rule of sampling is not assigning individual members more than a single survey every week. In the case of certain exceptions, this confines the total assignments of a member to 4 or 6 surveys every month. If a survey sample requires prescreening, then members are usually drawn from a panel’s subsample (like females, window shoppers, republicans, etc.).
Survey Administration
Once assigned to a survey, members receive an email notification whenever a new survey is available. This email contains a link that takes them directly to the survey questions, without needing a login or password. The field period for surveys can last anywhere from a few hours to several weeks, depending on the client's requirements.
After three days, automatic email reminders are sent to panel members who haven't responded. If these reminders don't get the desired response, telephone reminder calls are made. It's standard protocol to wait at least 3 to 4 days after sending email reminders before making phone calls.
Panel members are typically expected to complete one survey per week or four surveys per month. Each survey should take between 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
Survey response rates
The response rate reporting for Knowledge Panel surveys is in accordance with the AAPOR standards. The AAPOR standards were originally designed with single survey administrations in focus. However, the response rates for KnowledgePanel surveys are calculated using algorithms developed by Callegaro and DiSogra in 2008.
Mostly, about 65% of people finish these surveys. The rate might change a bit depending on things like how long the survey is or what it's about.
What are the advantages of Knowledge Panel surveys?
Fairly nice compensations
In Knowledge Panel surveys, every survey session of 10-15 minutes is likely to help you earn approximately $1. If you earn $1 per week that means you can easily earn $60 per year. While the money isn’t too much but it is certainly a great incentive for an interesting activity!
Turn points into cash
You can easily transform your points into cash. It also lets you turn them into either gift cards or even sweepstakes entries!
Open for all household members
Every member of the family is free to join. So, every time that letter gets into your mailbox, it could be either for you or any other single member of the household.
What are the disadvantages of Knowledge Panel surveys?
Exclusive Panel
Receiving the invitation isn’t an easy task. The panels are extremely exclusive and only limited households really get the invitation. Even the partners are not authorized to send invitations.
High Checkout Threshold
Knowledge Panel surveys require cash out of $25 due to which they do not stand out among the existing competitors.
Increased Survey Length
Many users say that the KnowledgePanel surveys keep on becoming lengthy with time. As the payment is not done on an hourly basis, the increasing length of surveys can lead to frictions.
To sum up, KnowledgePanel surveys are a dependable way to collect data that represents public opinions and behaviors accurately. Using probability-based sampling, they give valuable insights across different fields. Although they face challenges like limited access and long surveys, platforms like Voxco help improve their effectiveness. Overall, KnowledgePanel surveys are crucial for making informed decisions and understanding societal trends.
With platforms like Voxco, researchers can fully utilize KnowledgePanel surveys to gain valuable insights, guiding decision-making and creating meaningful impact.